Friday, May 10, 2019

Know About Canada Express Entry Eligibility

To migrate to any of the Canadian provinces is like a dream come true to many. The Canadian provinces are having ample number of scopes and opportunities for people migrating from all across the globe and hence, the application must be done properly. Before that we must have an idea about the eligibility criteria for migrating to any of the provinces such as Nova Scotia, Quebec, Saskatchewan and so on and so forth.  When our eligibility is questioned upon the first thing that comes to our minds is that the specific rather the basic requirements for applying. Apart from submission of the application, the petition must have a strong reason to showcase the willingness to migrate.

Canada Express Entry Eligibility 

The basic eligibility markers: 

The comprehensive ranking system is the marker of eligibility formigration when it comes to Canadian provinces. Another major facet that is evaluated for looking into the matter of eligibility is that of health checkups. The person if healthy and fit is checked always. Health certificates are given greater importance and are evaluated with same precision. The past records are supposed to be clean and hence, the submitted papers are always scrutinized with perfection. Along with this character certificates matter. The person is judged upon his decent personality that needs to please the migration authority.

Along with all of these, experience in working domain matters. If the person has a minimum of 2 years of experience then he / she is automatically more eligible to fly off to Canada. Another major factor that revolves around capability of migration to Canada is that knowledge in French. In many provincial nominee programs, candidates are required to know the local language which is French in most cases. 

Canada Express Entry Eligibility

The Canada immigration points counter works based upon the profile strength, language scores, papers submitted, profession chosen to fly off for, relatives, spouses staying there as citizens can add to this counting process. The basic factors considered for counting the points and evaluating the profile are: 

  •       Age
  •          Experience in working arena
  •          Language proficiency scores in TOEFL  and IELTS
  •          Education
  •          Income certificates 

Assessment of the papers submitted: 

  1.         After submission of the educational qualification papers, the educational credential assessment takes place that judges and evaluates all the papers regarding diploma, degrees and so on and so forth. The ECA requires money to be submitted. The better the qualification, the stronger the resume of the person, the more are the chances of getting selected and this enhances the eligibility of the profile per se. 
  2.          In fact the income certificates that are submitted are judged too. This is because these papers are supposed to prove that the person can support himself / herself financially after migration and is financially affluent. For this we need to refer to the proof of funds required for Canada immigration and migration consultation from the stark visas can really help a lot with the expenses involved. Financial stability matters a lot when we decide to migrate as we should be capable enough to finance ourselves when we fly off.

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