Friday, September 28, 2018

How do I apply Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program

To apply for Ontario immigration nomine program has become widely in vogue since a long time. The job prospects, the vocational scopes are quite bright and hence, people from all across the globe are aspiring to fly off to this specific province in Canada. Every migration requires sequential and serial steps to be followed and so is the case with this Ontario program as well. The procedure is not complicated but is sequential and a bit tough when it comes to cracking the language proficiency exams and the balancing of the equivalent CLB score that runs in reference with any Canadian

province. One must follow a few steps when it comes to ‘how to apply for Ontario nomineeprogram ‘?

The Ontario nominee program is set by the government so as to meet the economic requirements of the nation and the province and hence, firstly we all must look into the fact that the candidates migrating should always contribute in the economy and development of the province per se.

The 3 categories that are considered for nominee program:
Job offer
Human capital

The application needs to be convincing enough with all the details of the reason to migrate and settle there. The petition must have the federal government stamp to validate the migration as the provincial government works hand in hand with the federal government to get the candidate’s petition for migration approved.
1. Regarding how to apply, immigration consultants can help a lot.

Other requirements:

If occupation and vacancy seekers are applying then they must have work experience in their own fields
Setting up a business requires language skills to be shown and French skill is preferred there so that communication can be eased
A legal status to stay in the province is required hence , the federal government validation matters
Eligibility criteria are different for job seekers, employed migrants, entrepreneurs and for students. Same is the case with language exam scores. The scores must be high enough so that it can be equated with the CLB.
Cracking the exams such as TOEFL & IELTS is of utmost importance.

The process of application differs when it comes to migration with a job offer and migration without a job offer. When the candidates have the job offer, the legal papers of the authority rather the company must be shown. In any of these cases, the income certificates and the past records are shown for approval and convenience.
This ‘how to apply ‘also includes submission of papers that prove the residence of relatives in Ontario. This somewhat eases the process of migration if we have someone residing there.

Sites preferred for migration in Ontario:

Migration to Ontario is becoming popular with the passage of time and hence,
North Bay

Are some of the most famous and populated places that are visited by migrators from all over the world.